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Medjugorje Maria



O.L.V. van Anguera, Bahia, Brazilië. Boodschappen 2009

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O.L.V. van Anguera, Bahia, Brazilië: boodschappen 2009

Boodschap 3215 van 18/09/2009

Lieve zonen en dochters, vul uzelf met de liefde Gods, want dit is voor u de enige weg om aan Mijn oproepen gevolg te kunnen geven. Vertrouw volledig op de Heer en u zult nooit worden misleid. Uw kracht is in Hem Die uw enige Weg, Waarheid en Leven is. Wat er ook gebeurd, wijk niet af van het pad dat ik u hebt aangegeven. Wees aandachtig. Moeilijke dagen staan u te wachten. U zult worden worden beproefd met grote moelijkheden, maar reken op de Heer. Mijn Jezus zal u nooit verlaten. Hij zal uw troost zijn in moeilijke momenten. U zult een grote strijd ondervinden op uw weg. De Kerk gaat een grote storm tegemoet en velen zullen verloren zijn. Bid. Gods overwinning is bijna op handen. Voorwaarts. Dit is de boodschap die Ik u vandaag doorgeef in de naam van de meest Heilige Drievuldigheid. Dank u dat u mij hebt toegelaten om u hier opnieuw weer bij elkaar te roepen. Ik zegen u in de naam van de Vader en de Zoon en de Heilige Geest. Amen. Wees in vrede.

Boodschap 3217 van 22/09/2009

Lieve zonen en dochters, de mensheid zal moeilijke tijden meemaken, maar de Heer zal komen om de rechtvaardigen te helpen. De aarde zal door elkaar worden geschud en vele plaatsen zullen ophouden te bestaan. Ik wens u te zeggen dat de Heer u nooit zal verlaten. Wees gelovig. Heb een stevig geloof in God en geen kwaad zal tegen u op komen. Dagen van vreugde zullen komen voor de verkozenen van de Heer. In de uiteindelijke overwinningen zullen Mijn verkozenen een oneindige vreugde beleven. Keer terug tot Hem die van u houdt en op u wacht met open armen. Wees sterk in uw gebed, want dit is de enige wijze waarop u kan bijdragen tot de verandering van de mensheid. Heb moed. Dit is de boodschap die Ik u vandaag doorgeef in de naam van de meest Heilige Drievuldigheid. Dank u dat u mij hebt toegelaten om u hier opnieuw weer bij elkaar te roepen. Ik zegen u in de naam van de Vader en de Zoon en de Heilige Geest. Amen. Wees in vrede.

Boodschap 3218 van 24/09/2009

Lieve zonen en dochters, laat het licht van de Heilige Geest uw harten binnengaan, want dit is de enige wijze waarop u een licht kan worden voor hen die zich veraf bevinden. Heb lief, heb lief. Wanneer de mensen zichzelf openen voor de liefde van God, zal de mensheid geestelijk worden genezen. Ik vraag u om mijn zoon na te volgen in allles. Neem Mijn oproepen naar de wereld en de Heer zal u overvloedig belonen. Mijn verkozenen zullen schijnen in de overwinning van Mijn Onbevlekte Hart. Mijn toegewijde volgelingen zullen grote vreugde ervaren, want is Heer roept hen bij naam en zij zullen gezegend zijn door Mijn Zoon Jezus. Zij zullen erven wat menselijke ogen nog nooit hebben gezien. Voorwaarts. Dit is de boodschap die Ik u vandaag doorgeef in de naam van de meest Heilige Drievuldigheid. Dank u dat u mij hebt toegelaten om u hier opnieuw weer bij elkaar te roepen. Ik zegen u in de naam van de Vader en de Zoon en de Heilige Geest. Amen. Wees in vrede.

Boodschap 3219 van 26/09/2009

Lieve zonen en dochters, Ik kom uit de hemel om u naar Mijn Zoon Jezus te leiden. God heeft mij gezonden om u op te roepen tot bekering en om van u mannen en vrouwen van gebed te maken. Ik ben uw Moeder en Ik hou van u. Weet dat dit een tijd van Genade is. Dagen van rampspoed komen af en de mensen zullen willen sterven. Velen zullen zich berouwen een leven te hebben geleid zonder God, maar het zal te laat zijn. Keer vlug terug. Open uw harten en laat Mijn oproepen uw levens veranderen. Wees moedig en draag Mijn oproepen aan iedereen uit. Weet dan allen die Mijn boodschappen leven en de moeite doen om hen tot anderen te brengen de eeuwige dood niet zullen ervaren. Verlies uw hoop niet. Vertrouw op de genadevolle liefde van de Heer en u zult overwinnen. Laat uzelf niet ontmoedigen door moeilijkheden. Mijn Zoon Jezus bevindt zich aan uw zijde, ook al kunt u Hem niet zien. Ik schenk u aan Hem die uw absolute goede is en u kent bij naam. Voorwaarts. Dit is de boodschap die Ik u vandaag doorgeef in de naam van de meest Heilige Drievuldigheid. Dank u dat u mij hebt toegelaten om u hier opnieuw bij elkaar te roepen. Ik zegen u in de naam van de Vader en de Zoon en de Heilige Geest. Amen. Wees in vrede.

Boodschap 3220 van 29/09/2009

Lieve zonen en dochters, Ik ben gelukkig dat u hier bent. Ik dank u voor uw trouw aan Mijn oproepen en Ik verzeker u dat uw namen reeds gegrifd staan in Mijn Onbevlekte Hart. Ik vraag u om het vuur van het geloof brandend te houden en dat u zoekt om Mijn Zoon Jezus na te volgen. Verlaat niet het Pad dat ik u heb uitgetekend tijdens deze jaren. God zal u rijkelijk belonen en overvloedige genaden schenken aan elkeen die Mijn oproepen doorgeeft aan Mijn arme kinderen. In de overwinning van Mijn Onbevlekte Hart zullen zij die Mijn boodschappen ontvangen beschermd zijn en grote vreugde ervaren. U bent in de wereld, maar behoort tot de God. Kniel neer. Enkel door het gebed kunt u de sterkte vinden voor uw nobele opdracht. Ik ben uw Moeder en ik word nooit vermoeid. Ik heb nog nobele dingen te doen. Voorwaarts zonder vrees. Ik zal tot Mijn Jezus spreken voor ieder van u. Verheug u en trek u niet terug. Dit is de boodschap die Ik u vandaag doorgeef in de naam van de meest Heilige Drievuldigheid. Dank u dat u mij hebt toegelaten om u hier opnieuw bij elkaar te roepen. Ik zegen u in de naam van de Vader en de Zoon en de Heilige Geest. Amen. Wees in vrede.

Boodschap 3221 van 01/10/2009

Lieve zonen en dochters, groot lijdens zal naar Brazilië komen omwille van een akkoord. Mijn armen kinderen zullen een zwaar kruis dragen. Ik ben uw moeder en Ik weet wat er u te wachten staat. Kniel neer in gebed. Laat niet na te doen wat u morgen hoeft te doen. Behoor tot de Heer. De mensheid is geestelijk arm geworden en Mijn arme kinderen zijn als lammen die de blinden leiden. Vlucht niet voor God. Dit is de boodschap die Ik u vandaag doorgeef in de naam van de meest Heilige Drievuldigheid. Dank u dat u mij hebt toegelaten om u hier opnieuw bij elkaar te roepen. Ik zegen u in de naam van de Vader en de Zoon en de Heilige Geest. Amen. Wees in vrede.

Boodschap 3222 van 3/10/2009

Lieve zonen en dochters, u bent in de wereld, maar behoort enkel tot de Heer. Ik vraag u om naar het paradijs toe te leven, waarvoor u bent geschapen. U leeft in een tijd van grote spirituele beproevingen, maar verlies het hart niet. Dit alles moet gebeuren om te vervullen wat Ik in het verleden heb aangekondigd. Volg Mij op het pad van de goedheid en de heiligheid. Deze die op het pad wandelen dat Ik heb aangeduid zullen nooit de nederlaag ervaren. De overwinning van de Heer zal ook uw overwinning zijn. Verheug u allen die naar Mij luistert, omdat u niet zult verslagen worden door de duivel. Ik zal zorg voor u dragen. U bent Mijn verkozenen, die ik verkozen heb om deel uit te maken van Mijn overwinnend leger. Heb moed, geloof en hoop. Ik zal steeds aan uw zijde zijn. Zet geen stap terug. Mijn getrouwen zullen geen lichamelijke pijn ervaren. De engelen van God zullen hen beschermen in de grote en laatste strijd. Bid. Enkel door he gebed zult u bekwaam zijn op Mijn oproepen te aanvaarden. Dit is de boodschap die Ik u vandaag doorgeef in de naam van de meest Heilige Drievuldigheid. Dank u dat u mij hebt toegelaten om u hier opnieuw bij elkaar te roepen. Ik zegen u in de naam van de Vader en de Zoon en de Heilige Geest. Amen. Wees in vrede.

Boodschap 3223 van 6/10/2009

Lieve zonen en dochters, moeilijke dagen komen en Mijn arme kinderen zijn een zwaar kruis ervaren. Landdelen zullen verdwijnen en de mensen zullen zich bezinnen op dingen die nu nog nog niet zichtbaar zijn voor het oog. Er zullen treurige tijden zijn voor u. Bid. U zult het gewicht van het kruis niet kunnen dragen als u ver van het gebed leeft. Kijk naar de kracht van het Woord van God in de Eucharistie. Als u zult bekeerd zijn, zult u overwinnen. Keer niet terug. Blijf stevig op het pad dat ik u heb uitgetekend. Wees moedig. Ik zal tot Mijn Jezus spreken voor u. Na de grote beproevingen, zal de mensheid worden gezuiverd en zullen de rechtvaardigen in vrede leven. Voorwaarts zonder vrees. Dit is de boodschap die Ik u vandaag doorgeef in de naam van de meest Heilige Drievuldigheid. Dank u dat u mij hebt toegelaten om u hier opnieuw bij elkaar te roepen. Ik zegen u in de naam van de Vader en de Zoon en de Heilige Geest. Amen. Wees in vrede.

Boodschap 3224 van  09/10/2009

Lieve zonen en dochters, God is aan uw zijde. Vertrouw op Hem die uw enige echte vriend is. Ontvang Mijn boodschappen met vreugde, want Ik wil u leiden naar een hogere graad van heiligheid. Open uw harten voor de liefde. De liefde zal u veranderen en u zult groot zijn in de ogen van God. Kniel neer in gebed. Ik herhaal: bid, bid, bid. De aarde zal grote en pijnlijke veranderingen meemaken. De mensen zullen verward zijn, omdat ze zichzelf op de plaats van de Schepper gezet hebben.  Er zullen onverklaarbare verschijnselen plaatsvinden op aarde en geleerden zullen geen antwoorden kunnen vinden. Trek u niet terug. Blijf op de weg die Ik u heb aangegeven. Ik wil u tot niets verplichten, maar luister naar Mij. Dit is de boodschap die Ik u vandaag doorgeef in de naam van de meest Heilige Drievuldigheid. Dank u dat u mij hebt toegelaten om u hier opnieuw bij elkaar te roepen. Ik zegen u in de naam van de Vader en de Zoon en de Heilige Geest. Amen. Wees in vrede.

Boodschap 3225 van 10/10/2009

Lieve zonen en dochters, heb moed. Ik houd van u en zal u nooit verlaten. Op de dag van de Grote Verdrukking zullen Mijn toegewijde mensen ondersteund en beschermd worden. Er zal grote pijn zijn voor de mensheid. Veel mensen zullen willen sterven, maar zij moeten door de Grote Verdrukking heen. De mensheid zal worden gezuiverd door het lijden en God zal de winnaar zijn. U bent het uitverkoren volk van God. Bid. Zoek kracht in de Heilige Eucharistie en leef moedig naar Mijn oproepen. Als u zich bekeerd hebt, zult u overwinnen. Sta niet stil. Ga Mijn Jezus ontmoeten. Hij is de Weg, de Waarheid en het Leven. Uw hoop is alleen in Hem. Trek u niet terug. Dit is de boodschap die Ik u vandaag doorgeef in de naam van de meest Heilige Drievuldigheid. Dank u dat u mij hebt toegelaten om u hier opnieuw bij elkaar te roepen. Ik zegen u in de naam van de Vader en de Zoon en de Heilige Geest. Amen. Wees in vrede.

Boodschap 3228 van 17/10/2009

Lieve zonen en dochters, de mensheid heeft zich van haar Schepper afgekeerd en Mijn arme kinderen zijn als blinden die de blinden leiden. Kniel neer in gebed. Moeilijke dagen komen en het lijden van de rechtvaardigen zal groot zijn. Bid veel voor de kerk. De kerk zal vervolgd worden. Mensen zullen het verachten en het lijden van de gelovigen zal groot zijn. Ik ben uw Moeder en Ik wil u naar de waarheid leiden. Aanvaard mijn oproepen en leef met moed naar het evangelie van Mijn Jezus. Wie met de Heer is, zal nooit verslagen worden. Voorwaarts zonder vrees. Dit is de boodschap die Ik u vandaag doorgeef in de naam van de meest Heilige Drievuldigheid. Dank u dat u mij hebt toegelaten om u hier opnieuw bij elkaar te roepen. Ik zegen u in de naam van de Vader en de Zoon en de Heilige Geest. Amen. Wees in vrede.

Message 3229 from Our Lady of Peace, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. transmitted in 20/10/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, put your trust in The Lord and live turned to the paradise, the only thing for which you were created. Don´t stray from the path I have pointed out. Humanity is going towards an abyss of self-destruction that people have prepared with their own hands. I am your Mom and I come from heaven to help you. Open your hearts to the love of God and you will be great in faith. God is in a hurry and you can´t just cross your arms. Return quickly. Don´t stray from prayer. If you remain faithful, no evil will touch you. A great suffering is coming to humanity. Know that you who are listening to Me will be granted the Grace of protection in the moments of great tribulations. Those who accept My appeals and pray t he rosary will not suffer. Forward without fear. Your victory is in The Lord. Courage. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3230 from Our Lady of Peace, Macaé, RJ, Brazil. transmitted in 21/10/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, Courage. Nothing is lost. Rejoice, for The Lord loves you and awaits you with the immense love of a father. Humanity has gotten away from its Creator and My poor children live in a sad spiritual blindness. Be docil to the call of God. He wants to save you. He will dry your tears. The day will come when there will be no more suffering on earth. The Lord will transform the earth and My poor children will experience a joy without end. Wars will stop and peace will reign forever in the hearts of My poor children. Don´t lose heart. Confide in The Lord. He will do everything for your spiritual good. Pray. Seek strength in the words of My Son Jesus and receive My messages with courage. I am your Mom and you well know how much a mother loves her children. Be strong in faith. Don´t let the light of God go ou t within you. Behold, the times predicted by Me have come. Don´t back out. I will speak to My Jesus for you. Forward. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3231 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. transmitted in 24/10/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, I ask you live My messages in holiness. I want to lead you to My Son Jesus for He alone is your salvation. Don´t get away from the Truth. Pay attention. The devil wants to deceive you, but you can conquer him by the force of prayer. Humanity has lost peace because people have gotten away from God. Now is the time for your return. Return quickly. Your time is short and there is no longer time for doubts and incertainty. Don´t let sin enslave you. You belong to The Lord and you should serve Him alone. Something very sad will happen in Yugoslavia and many people with have their faith shaken. Don´t stray from the path I have indicated. Happen what may, don´t back out. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity . Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3232 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil, transmitted in 26/10/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, the evil of people will be great on earth. The faithful will be persecuted, and those who are against Christ will act with great fury against the Church of My Jesus. I suffer because of what awaits you. Don´t get away from prayer. I encourage you to give witness that you belong to The Lord. Flee from sin and return to Him Who is your Way, Truth, and Life. Courage. Don´t cross your arms. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3233 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. transmitted in 27/10/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, I am your Mother and I suffer because of My poor children who are far from The Lord. The day will come when many people will regret a life passed without God, but for many it will be late. Don´t let the devil deceive you. Belong to The Lord and transform your lives. Now is the time of Grace. Humanity is going on the path of self´destruction that people have prepared with their own hands. A great suffering will come for those who live in Italy. Something similar will come to those who live in Chile. The ground will be shaken and people will live in a time of great suffering. Pray. Only by prayer will you be able to support the weight of the cross. Seek your strength in The Lord. He loves you and is waiting for you. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3234 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. transmitted in 31/10/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, do not live far from The Lord. Return to Him Who loves you and knows you by name. God expects much from you. Know that now is the right moment for you to be converted and be reconciled with God. Don´t back out. I am your Mom and I come from heaven to call you to be like My Son Jesus in everything. I don´t want to force you, but listen to Me. God is in a hurry. Don´t leave what you have to do for tomorrow. Flee from malice. Don´t judge nor condemn anyone. Only God is the supreme Judge. Humanity is living is a time of great tensions and heading towards a great abyss. The force of nature will provoke phenomenens never seen before. Objects will be thrown from the earth by a force that no one can explai n. Forces will arise from the depths of the earth that leave men preoccupied, but I want to tell you that God will not abandon His people. Pray. You will yet see things that human eyes have never seen. Keep to the path that I have pointed out. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3235 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. transmitted in 01/11/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, the road to holiness is difficult to travel, but you can attain holiness in the love of God. In order to be saints you must be in this world without belonging to the world. You must desire paradise while living on earth. Belong to The Lord. It was exactly for this that My Son Jesus gave Himself for out salvation with total dedication. Only in love can you understand the mysteries of God. Fill yourselves with Love of The Lord and you will easily encounter holiness. The spiritual poverty of humanity is the fruit of lack of love. Don´t forget. Love wants to be loved. I want to lead you to victory, but what I can do depends on you. Follow Me, for I desire to make you men and women of faith. Open your hearts to The Lord. He will take care of you. Pay attention. On the triumph of My Immaculate Heart, My chosen ones will experience great joy. The Lord will proclaim as blessed all those who receive My appeals and spread the message that I am transmitting here. In the last hour The Lord will bring you to your eternal dwelling and you will be happy forever. Courage. Embrace heaven. Fortify yourselves with the love of The Lord in order to be saints. Forward without fear. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3236 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. transmitted in 03/11/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, flee from all evil and return to The Lord. Don´t let the devil deceive you. Belong to The Lord and deposit all your confidence and hope in Him. There is no victory without the cross. Seek strength in prayer and in hearing the Word of God. Humanity needs to be cured by the merciful love of God and only by the force of prayer can you encounter the path to salvation. A great happening will shake the faith of many people. It will be in the land of the Holy Cross. (Brazil) Bend your knees in prayer. I suffer because of what is coming to you. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3237 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. transmitted in 07/11/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, repent sincerely of your sins and return to Him Who is your one and only Savior. Don´t flee from the road to truth. The Lord is awaiting you with open arms. Don´t back away. Don´t let your problems take you away from God. Bend your knees in prayer and God will strengthen you. A great discovery will happen for the good of mankind. It will be the object of one of the miracles of My Son Jesus. This is the mystery. Know that The Lord will do everything for your good. Open your heart to Him and you will be happy. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3239 from Our Lady of Peace, given in São Paulo, SP, Brazil. transmitted in 12/11/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, assume your true role as christians and imitate My Son Jesus in everything. Don´t stand still. Give witness by your words and deeds that you belong only to Christ. God hopes for much from you. Open your hearts and accept His will for your lives. I am your Mom and I come from heaven to call you to conversion. Don´t back out. Humanity is contaminated by sin and this is the moment for your return. Joyfully live the Gospel of My Son and you will be blessed. The Lord will transform humanity and peace will reign forever in the hearts of men and women of faith. Days of joy will come to you. The Lord has reserved for His chosen ones that which human eyes have never seen. Help for you will come from heaven. A great sign from God will attract men and women who are distant. Rejoice, because you names are already written in heaven. Forward. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3240 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. transmitted in 14/11/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, you are not alone. God is at your side, even though you do not see Him. He will take care of you. In the great tribulation He will send His angels and they will take care of you. There will be no defeat for the faithful. The transformed earth will belong to the people chosen by God. The Lord will keep His promises and you will see the marvels of God in your lives. Don´t get away from prayer. Pray always. Mankind will encounter peace only through prayer. Be meek and humble of heart. Trust in The Lord and be merciful with your brothers and sisters. I am your Mom and I know what awaits you. Don´t cross your arms. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3241 from Our Lady of Peace, given in Juiz de Fora, Brazil. transmitted in 17/11/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, courage. I am at your side. Don´t lose hope. When you feel the weight of the cross, call to Jesus and He will come to help. Open your hearts and imitate My Son Jesus. I know what you need and I will speak to My Jesus for you. Bend your knees in prayer. Humanity has gone far from its Creator and My poor children go towards a great abyss. Now is the time for your return. Don´t cross your arms. I come from heaven to reclaim what belongs to God. Be docil. You are important for the realization of My plans. Know that the recompense for all those who listen to Me will be great. Walk in the truth. Accept the Gospel and live My appeals. The Church of My Jesus will walk on difficult paths and suffer much. When is looks like all is lost, The Lord will send a just man, and he will contribute to the spiritual growth of the Church. After all the good he will do for the Church, he will be assasinated, but the Church will remain firm, and its enemies will be defeated. Forward without fear. Whoever is with The Lord will never experience defeat. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3242 from Our Lady of Peace, given in Itaqui/RS, Brazil. transmitted in 18/11/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, I ask you to keep the flame of faith alive, for this is the only way you can go on the way to holiness. I am your Mom and I come from heaven to bless you and offer you My love. Be faithful to Jesus. Open your hearts to His call in order to be saved. Don´t stand still. God is in a hurry. Don´t back out. Give your best is the mission The Lord has entrusted to you. Receive My words with docility and you will be capable of contributing to definitive triumph of My Immaculate Heart. Don´t lose heart. The day will come when all people who have fallen away will have the Grace of repentance. The Lord will grant His children the chance to return. It will be a great miracle. Rejoice, for The Lord will not abandon you. He knows you by name. Trust in Him and you will be happy already in this world, and later with Me in heaven. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3243 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. transmitted in 21/11/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, humanity will drink the bitter cup of suffering because of unexplained phenomena of nature that will come. Bend your knees in prayer so you can support the weight of the cross. The Andes chain of mountains will descend and many nations will carry a heavy cross. The earth will pass through great transformations, but in the end victory will come to men and women of faith. I am your Mom and you well know how I love you. I ask you to be good to everyone. Fill yourselves with love of God and testify everywhere that you belong to My Son Jesus. Courage. I will speak to My Jesus for you. Forward without fear. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3244 from Our Lady of Peace, given in Sento Sé, Bahia, BR. transmitted in 22/11/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, I am your Mom and I come from heaven to lead you to My Son Jesus. Believe in Him, your absolute good and loves you as you are. I ask you to not lose your hope. Put your confidence in The Lord and all will come out well for you. You are chosen by God. Don´t back out. Stay firmly in prayer. Just as plants cannot grow without rain, you cannot grow in the spiritual life without prayer. Without prayer you become empty and without God. I want to lead you to victory, and only by accepting My appeals can you attain holiness. Humanity lives far from God, and the time of your return has come. If people are not converted, a terrible punishment will fall upon humanity. Rivers of fire will flow on the earth. The w aters will be contaminated and in many regions of the world My poor children will carry a heavy cross. I suffer because of what is coming to you. Listen to Me and no evil will touch you. I will speak to My Jesus for you. Be docil. Don´t leave what you have to do for tomorrow. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3245 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. transmitted in 24/11/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, today I ask for your consecration to My Immaculate Heart for I desire to lead you to My Son Jesus. Your conscious and total gift will contribute to the final triumph of My Immaculate Heart. Difficult times are coming for you. Pray. In the great tribulations those who consecrate themselves to Me will be protected. My Heart will be your secure refuge. It will be your ark of the Covenant with God, and He will save you. Rejoice. Don´t lose heart. Happen what may, don´t ever feel that you are alone. I am your Mom and I am at your side. Forward without fear. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3246 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. transmitted in 28/11/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, let The Lord guide you and you will be led to holiness. Don´t lose heart. Don´t back out. You are not alone. I am your Mom and I am at your side. When you feel the weight of your difficulties, call on Jesus. He will be your support in moments of pain. Don´t forget, there is no victory without the cross. Imitate My Son Jesus. I come from heaven to offer you My love. Open your hearts to My call and joyfully live My messages. Humanity has become spiritually poor because people have withdrawn from their Creator. Pray. Pray. Pray. Something frightening will happen in Europe and three countries will be struck at the same time. People will have to weep and lament. Seek strength in prayer and in the Eucharist. Your victory is coming closer. Stay with The Lord, This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3248 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. transmitted in 03/12/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, return to The Lord Who is your absolute good and knows you by name. Don´t lose your hope. Your fortress is in The Lord and you will be victorious only in Him. Pray. People have gotten away from prayer and have become slaves of the devil. Truly free yourselves to serve The Lord. When the great day comes, humanity will be liberated and My poor children will be free. The devil will be chained and mankind will again have peace. It will be a time of gloria for the just and and all will live forever only to serve My Son Jesus. Be converted. Don´t leave what you have to do for tomorrow. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3249 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. transmitted in 05/12/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, don´t live far from The Lord. Now is the time for your return to Him Who is your way, truth, and life. I ask you to keep the flame of faith alive. Seek the Grace of The Lord through the sacraments, for this is the only way you can grow spiritually. I come from heaven to point out to you the way to peace and love. Open your hearts to My appeals and I will lead you to holiness. Consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart. In the great triumph of My Immaculate Heart, the heavens will open and the angels of The Lord will come to help My chosen ones. Those who remain faithful to the end will contemplate that which human eyes have never seen. Courage. Bend your knees in prayer and be docil to the call of The Lord. Don´t leave what you have to do for tomorrow. This is the message I transmit to you today i n the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3250 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, BA, Brazil transmitted in 08/12/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, I am the Immaculate Conception. I come from heaven to show you the way to holiness. Open your hearts, for I desire to lead you to perfection. Flee from sin and return to The Lord. You are important for the projects of God. Don´t back away. Give your yes and return to the arms of your Father. I am your mother and you well know how much a mother loves her children. Be meek and humble of heart, for this is the only way you will be able to feel the love of God in your lives. God is very close to you. He will do everything to save you. The day will come when people will receive a great Grace. A great miracle of God will transform hardened hearts. Each one will see his errors and will receive the Grace of repentance. It will be a great opportunity that The Lord will give to His wayward children. Know that you will never be abandoned. Bend your knees in prayer and you will be able to understand the plan of God for your lives. Forward without fear. This is the message I transmit to your today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit, Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3250 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, BA, Brazil transmitted in 08/12/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, I am the Immaculate Conception. I come from heaven to show you the way to holiness. Open your hearts, for I desire to lead you to perfection. Flee from sin and return to The Lord. You are important for the projects of God. Don´t back away. Give your yes and return to the arms of your Father. I am your mother and you well know how much a mother loves her children. Be meek and humble of heart, for this is the only way you will be able to feel the love of God in your lives. God is very close to you. He will do everything to save you. The day will come when people will receive a great Grace. A great miracle of God will transform hardened hearts. Each one will see his errors and will receive the Grace of repentance. It will be a great opportunity that The Lord will give to His wayward children. Know that you will never be abandoned. Bend your knees in prayer and you will be able to understand the plan of God for your lives. Forward without fear. This is the message I transmit to your today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit, Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3251 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. transmitted in 11/12/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, let The Lord take over your lives. Don´t stand still. Give The Lord what belongs to Him. You are in the world, but you are not of the world. Fill yourselves with courage and testify that you truly belong to The Lord. Pray. Your victory is in the power of prayer. When you pray, you are able to comprehend the designs of God. Humanity lives far from God and the moment has come for the great return. Seek Him Who is love, and awaits you with open arms. When the giant boulders melt, mysterious things will appear. Don´t flee from the truth. Stay with The Lord. Your hope and salvation depends on Him. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Hol y Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3252 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. transmitted in 12/12/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, open your hearts to the Light of The Lord. Be docil, for this is the only way you can experience the presence of My Son Jesus in this Christmas. I ask you to keep the flame of your faith alive. Don´t let the things of this world take you away from The Lord. Keep firmly in prayer. Without prayer you will not be able to understand My presence in your midst. I am your Mom and I want to tell you that you are chosen and loved, each one of you, without limits. Make the effort to take My appeals to everyone. I come from heaven to prepare you. Days of suffering are coming. Don´t lose confidence. The prophets who have gone, will return to announce the day of the great warning. God will give you a chance to repent. Pay attention. Don´t leave what you have to do for tomorrow. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3253 from Our Lady of Peace, given in Campo Grande/ BR. transmitted in 14/12/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, calm your hearts and deposit all your confidence in The Lord. When you feel the weight of your difficulties, call to Jesus. He is your certitude of victory. Your salvation is in Him, and without Him people cannot be saved. Repent of your sins and return to Him Who is your Way, Truth, and Life. Remain firmly in your faith. Seek strength in the Eucharist and in the Word of Jesus. Humanity is sick and needs to be cured. God has sent Me to point out to you the way to holiness. Don´t stand still. God has sent Me to fill you with love of The Lord and you will be great in faith. Fear not. In the great tribulation The Lord will come to help you. No evil will touch His chosen ones. There will not be defeat for the chosen ones of The Lord. A great incident will happen in this earth and people will marvel. Don't back out. Don´t let anything take you away from The Lord. Forward without fear. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3254 from Our Lady of Peace, given in Gama/DF, Brazil. transmitted in 15/12/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, rejoice, for your names are already written in heaven. I am your Mom and I desire your conversion. Don´t cross your arms. Humanity needs your sincere and courageous testimony. Bring hope to the despairing. You belong to The Lord and He expects much from you. Fear not. Your cross will carry you to victory. Joyfully accept the trials The Lord sends to you. I will speak to My Jesus for you. Trust in Him Who is your absolute good and knows you by name. Difficult days are coming, but The Lord will be with you. The earth will pass through great trials, but in the end will come a great victory of God with the final triumph of My Immaculate Heart. Be just. Only those who are just will contemplate the transformation of the world. Forward without fear. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3255 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. transmitted in 19/12/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, don´t be frightened by your difficulties. You live in a time worse than the time of the flood, and humanity is led on the road of hate and contempt of what is holy. You will yet have great trials. After all the pain, The Lord will make a new world appear. Bend your knees in prayer. Seek strength in the Eucharist and in the words of My Son Jesus. Don´t let the things of this world take you away from God. Be faithful. I am your Mom and I come from heaven to help you. Courage. I will speak to My Son Jesus for you. Don´t let the flame of faith die within you. Pay attention. Listen to My appeals and you will be great in faith. A man who seems to be good and just will come, but he will be a traitor, and lead mankind to suffering. Pray. I will be at your side. This is the message I transmit to you today i n the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3256 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. transmitted in 22/12/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, live My appeals joyfully and I will lead you to My Son Jesus. You are important for the realization of My plans. Don´t cross your arms. The Lord will generously reward all that you do in My favor. God is in a hurry, and the moment of your return has come. Pray much before the cross and imitate My Son Jesus in everything. I am your Mom and I know what awaits you. Humanity will drink a bitter chalice of suffering. Fire will rise from the depths of the earth and many regions will be destroyed. Don´t get away from prayer. I will always be with you. Forward without fear. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Message 3257 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil. transmitted in 25/12/2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, science will advance and create a manner of transportation frightening to the eyes of man. What is visible will become invisible to human eyes. Behold difficult times for humanity. Return to Jesus. Let Him be your light, for this is the only way you won´t be contaminated by the darkness of the devil. Bend your knees in prayer. Forward. This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

Boodschap 3258 van 26/12/2009

Lieve zonen en dochter, laat de duivel u niet misleiden. Vlucht voor de verdorvenheid en keer terug tot de Heer om te worden gered. Ik ben uw Moeder en Ik kom uit de Hemel om u te weg te tonen van de goedheid en de heiligheid. Is vraag u of mannen en vrouwen te zijn van het gebed. De mensheid is weggevlucht voor haar Schepper omdat de mensen het gebed achtergelaten hebben. Weet dat u geliefd wordt door de Vader en dat Hij op u wacht met open armen. Iets smartvol zal gebeuren in het land van de Koningin [Engeland] en zal zich herhalen in de hoofdstad van Brazilië. Ik lijd om wat u te wachten staat. Zet geen stap terug. Aanvaard Mijn oproepen en geef getuigenis dat u enkel tot de Heer behoort. Dit is de boodschap die Ik u vandaag doorgeef in de naam van de meest Heilige Drievuldigheid. Dank u dat u mij hebt toegelaten om u hier opnieuw bij elkaar te roepen. Ik zegen u in de naam van de Vader en de Zoon en de Heilige Geest. Amen. Wees in vrede. [Zie een gelijkaarige profetie in de boodschap van 26 maart 2005 en vervuld op 7 juli 2005]

Boodschap 3259 van 29/12/2009

Lieve zonen en dochters, Ik ben uw bedroefde Moeder en Ik lijd omwille van uw lijden. Kniel neer in gebed en smeek om de genade van de Heer voor de mensheid. Mijn arme kinderen zullen een zwaar kruis moeten dragen. De korst van de aarde zal splijten in vele streken van de aarde. Energie die zal kome uit het binnenste van de aarde zal lijden brengen aan Mijn arme kinderen. Luister naar wat ik zef. De mensheid staat aan de vooravond van de meest verschrikkelijke bestraffing. Wat ik reeds heb aangekondigd zal gaan gebeuren. Dit is de boodschap die Ik u vandaag doorgeef in de naam van de meest Heilige Drievuldigheid. Dank u dat u mij hebt toegelaten om u hier opnieuw bij elkaar te roepen. Ik zegen u in de naam van de Vader en de Zoon en de Heilige Geest. Amen. Wees in vrede.

Vertaling: Chris De Bodt